
Privacy Policy


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, “GDPR”), it is reported that all personal data provided by the User through the Website www.charteranddreams.com (hereinafter, the “Website“) will be incorporated and processed in the files and processing systems owned by the company Charter&dreams Yacht Services, S.L., (hereinafter, “Charter&Dreams“) for the sole purpose of responding to your requests and to keep you informed, including by electronic means, about our products and services.

The completion of all data requested through the Website is necessary to achieve an optimal provision of services available to the User. Failure to provide all the data required by Charter & Dreams does not guarantee that the information and services provided can be provided, are provided correctly or meet the needs of the User.



Charter&Dreams Yacht Services, S.L.

C. de Balmes, 253, 2º 1ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain

C.I.F: B65250441



  • To be able to contact the User and manage basic administration tasks;
  • To attend to and adequately manage the queries, comments, incidents or suggestions sent;
  • To attend to and adequately manage requests for quotations sent to us through this medium;
  • Keep you informed, either by electronic means or mobile devices, or by any other means that has been provided and provided, the latest news, events, promotions Charter & Dreams that may be of interest;
  • Statistical analysis of visits to the Web and user behaviour on it.


Consent of the interested party and legitimate interest.


No data is transferred to third parties, except for the provision of a service requested by its customers – in which case it is duly informed – or by legal requirement, and to any other collaborators that may be necessary to provide the services, duly informing the user, in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.


Access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, data portability, not to be subject to automated individualised decisions and to revoke the consent given.
To contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency to file any claim considered appropriate.

Detailed information

You can consult detailed information on the protection of your data below.


3.1. Responsible for the processing

The company Charter&Dreams Yacht Services, S.L., C. de Balmes, 253, 2º 1ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, with C.I.F. B65250441, telephone 931147593 and e-mail info@charteranddreams.com, is responsible for the processing of the User’s data.

3.2. Purpose of data processing

The User may provide us, on a voluntary basis, personal information, either through certain data collection forms (included on the web, event registrations in paper format, by phone, etc.), through the email addresses provided for this purpose.
Access by Charter & Dreams to personal data of the User, will be made solely and exclusively for the purpose of Charter & Dreams can meet the requests of the User and to keep you informed, including by electronic means, about our products and services, without being able to apply or use them for any other purpose. The consent given by the user, reaches the following purposes:
To be able to contact the User and manage basic administration tasks;
To attend to and adequately manage the queries, comments, incidents or suggestions sent;
To attend to and adequately manage requests for quotations that have been sent to us through this medium;
Keep you informed, either by electronic means or mobile devices, or by any other means that has been provided and provided, the latest news, events, promotions Charter & Dreams that may be of interest;
Statistical analysis of visits to the Web and user behaviour on it.
Properly manage navigation through this website.
Regarding the processing of your data for promotional or advertising purposes, the interested party will be provided, along with the corresponding data collection form, the appropriate procedure, simple and free, so that you can freely give your consent for this purpose. The consent given may be revoked at any time and at no cost to the data subject.
Likewise, in accordance with the aforementioned purposes, a “commercial profile” will be drawn up on the basis of the information provided. No automated decisions will be taken on the basis of this profile.

3.2.1. Retention of data

The personal data provided by the User will be retained by Charter&Dreams while there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with the User, as well as for 6 years after the same in accordance with the commercial obligations of art. 30 of the Commercial Code or, where appropriate, during the maximum legal period permitted by the data protection legislation, including the statute of limitations for legal actions for the attention of possible liability that may arise from the contractual relationship, and, with respect to commercial communications, while it does not request the right of deletion, opposition and / or limitation of personal data.
In these cases Charter & Dreams will keep the data properly blocked, without giving any use, while they may be necessary for the exercise or defence of claims or may arise some kind of legal, legal or contractual liability of its treatment, which must be addressed and for which recovery is necessary.

3.3. Minors

This Website is not intended for minors. In any case, children under 16 should not submit any personal information without the consent of their parent or guardian. Charter&Dreams is not responsible for any personal information submitted by children under 14 years without proper authorization.

3.4. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of User data is the legitimate interest to meet the User’s requests and consent to keep the User informed, including by electronic means, about our products and services. Likewise, this purpose is not subject to the consent of data that are not necessary for this purpose.

3.5. Recipients

Charter&Dreams does not transfer data to third parties, except for the provision of a service requested by its customers – in which case it is duly informed – or by legal requirement, and to any other collaborators that may be necessary to provide the services, duly informing the user, in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.

3.6. International data transfers

Charter&Dreams does not make any international data transfers. In the event of doing so, the User would be previously informed and the appropriate consent would be requested, implementing, in any case, the appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security of your data.

3.7. Exercise of rights

The User may exercise the following rights, provided for in the GDPR, in relation to the processing of his or her personal data:
Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject.
Right to request its rectification.
The right to request their erasure.
The right to request the restriction of their processing,
The right to object to the processing.
The right to data portability.
The right not to be subject to automated individualised decisions.

Such rights may be exercised by means of a written communication addressed to Charter&Dreams Yacht Services, S.L., C. de Balmes, 253, 2º 1ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, with C.I.F. B65250441, or by e-mail to the address info@charteranddreams.com. In both cases the interested User must attach a copy of your national identity card, passport or other valid document that identifies you. Charter&Dreams will proceed to send a communication within one month of receipt of the request, together, where appropriate, with other information that may be relevant to resolve the request.

3.8. Measures and security levels

Charter&Dreams has taken the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, in order to avoid, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
Also, Charter&Dreams guarantees that it has implemented mechanisms to:
1. Ensure the permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of systems and processing services.
2. Restore availability and access to personal data quickly, in the event of a physical or technical incident.
3. Regularly verify, evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the technical and organisational measures implemented to ensure the security of the processing.
4. Pseudonymise and encrypt personal data, where appropriate.

3.9. Scope of application

The structure of files, equipment and information systems in order to comply with current legislation on data protection, apply to all files, temporary or permanent, owned by Charter & Dreams containing personal data, as well as any equipment or information system that treats them. 

3.10. User Consent

The User declares to have read and expressly accepted this Privacy Policy by registering with Charter&Dreams, giving their unequivocal and express consent to Charter&Dreams, to the processing of data in accordance with the purposes and services reflected herein.
No data is transferred to third parties, except for the provision of a service requested by its customers, in which case it is duly informed, or by legal requirement, and any other partners that were necessary to provide the services, duly informing the user, in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD. In the event that the User provides Charter&Dreams personal data of third parties, the User declares that such data are truthful and has informed and has requested consent to these third parties, whose data we provide, that their personal data will be processed by Charter&Dreams in the same terms that the User has been informed and consented to this privacy policy. The User agrees to hold harmless Charter&Dreams against any possible claim, fine or penalty that may be forced to bear as a result of breach by the User of the duty described in this paragraph.

3.11. Commercial and promotional information

If the User has authorized us to do so, the personal data you provide through this form will be processed by Charter & Dreams, in order to notify business content and commercial communications Charter & Dreams.

3.12. Confidentiality and professional secrecy

The data collected in all private communications between Charter&Dreams and customers or Users will be treated with absolute confidentiality, Charter&Dreams committing to the obligation of secrecy of personal data, its duty to protect them and take all necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss and unauthorized access or treatment, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation.
In addition, information of any kind that the parties exchange between themselves, that which they agree to be of this nature, or that which simply concerns the content of such information, shall also be considered confidential. The visualisation of data through the Internet shall not imply direct access to the same, except with the express consent of the owner on each occasion.

3.13. Changes to the security and data protection policy

Charter&Dreams reserves the right to modify its security policy and data protection in order to adapt it to new legislation or case law, as well as those that may arise from existing standard codes on the subject, or by strategic corporate decisions, with effect from the date of publication of such modification on the Charter&Dreams website.

3.14. Links

With regard to links or links to other portals or websites, not managed by Charter&Dreams may appear on the portal for information purposes, Charter&Dreams does not exercise any control over them, nor is it responsible for the information accessed. Unless Charter&Dreams so authorized in advance and in writing, you may not insert a link, hyperlink, framing or similar link on the Website.

3.15. Cookies

Access to this Website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server can remember certain information that can be used later. This information allows us to identify you as a specific user and allows us to store your personal preferences, as well as technical information such as visits or specific pages you visit.
Users who do not wish to receive cookies or who wish to be informed before they are stored on their computer can configure their browser accordingly. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.

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